Dear Ambassador
Welcome to our Everything BA splash page. Here you will find everything you need to be super successful with MakeUp Eraser. Where to login to see commission, how to enroll and place a reseller order, how to apply for a perm discount. Just make this your one stop before all this MakeUp Eraser. If you need more added to this page to keep your business moving at full page, shoot us an email and we will be happy to add more to this already resourceful, resource. We all share one common goal. Share MakeUp Eraser with every woman in the world. Much love Mueties!
MakeUp Eraser
Login to refersion- yah that place you see your dollas
Fill out your W9- need this before you get paid
Apply for a perm discount- the place where you save dollas
Enroll a reseller- once enrolled login as them
Login as a reseller- place their orders
Banners & Fliers- play around with marketing
Pics, order forms & more- build your library
Fundraising- checkout our ads here
Make sure to follow us on IG to learn all things commission, training videos and much more!